Management of contractual deadlines in d.velop documents

edoc contract

Never miss a deadline again – thanks to edoc

The edoc contract protects you against unexpected contract maturity dates. The best thing is that you’ll never have to study pages and pages of contracts again. You can see all the important content of contracts via a freely configurable cockpit. In addition, you will automatically receive reminders by e-mail with a description of the task to be completed. In the Reminder overview, you can see all pending and completed tasks and can make individual changes, as required. An  authorization concept controls the available functions and access rights of individual users. By means of defined processes within contract management, case-related assignments are automatically carried out for new contract documents, without users having to even think about it. 

The edoc contract also provides: 

  • Simple management of contracts and deadlines
  • Secure storage in long-term stable formats
  • An overview thanks to automated reminder function on the appropriate reminder date
  • Permission control for reminders with read or write permission
  • Simple and intuitive operation
  • Simple contract control
  • Management of access rights
  • Simple configuration and adaptation

The perfect addition to d.velop documents

edoc contract helps you organize important information about contracts, terms and deadlines in d.velop documents in a more clearly structured way. Using barcode-oriented contract cover sheets, combined with an accompanying scanning scenario, paper-based original documents can also be digitalized efficiently. All authorised employees have transparent and location-indepdent access to important data and the related documents and correspondence. Since edoc contract integrates seamlessly into the familiar d.velop application, you can use all your usual d.velop functions.

We’re all about analyzing and rethinking process flows, generating ideas, developing, implementing and perfecting the optimum solution – all while keeping a keen eye on your process.

Customized or standardized reminders – it’s your choice

In the edoc contract, automated deadline management organizes which reminder function is sent by e-mail to an individual, several people or groups. People and groups can also be combined. 
Different reminders can be created for all contract documents or contract annex documents. These can be selected on a contract-specific basis, for example, notice periods, guarantee reminders etc., however, they can also be general reminders about tasks or follow-up actions. The reminders are sent to the responsible people by e-mail to their personal inbox. From this message, it is possible to open the associated contract document directly from d.velop documents.

Flexibility in the filing structure

When using the edoc contract, the contract filing structure can be freely defined according to customer-specific requirements. This can include both simple scenarios with only one type of contract document or more complex file structures for individual contracts and framework contracts. In this way, all contract-based documents, information and activities are summarized in a targeted manner. Contracts can be managed based on general and customer-specific master data. Checking and approval processes for the documents are supported by the standard functions of d.velop documents.

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The perfect addition to digital contract management: Digital signature

Do you still print out your documents, sign them and then scan them in again? Without a digital signature, processes will always be cumbersome, unsustainable and a major obstacle on your way toward becoming a paperless office! We make it easy for you to use an end-to-end, fully digital process – from creating a document to adding a legally valid signature – including archiving in a single system.

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Vier edoc Solutions AG Mitarbeiter:innen reden am Besprechungstisch über ECM für digitale Eingangsrechnungsverarbeitung