Digital signature
Lower your costs, save time and help the environment to boot!
d.velop sign is a signature app, which enables both an advanced signature and a qualified, legally compliant electronic signature. For its digital signature solution d.velop sign, the renowned ECM manufacturer d.velop cooperates with D-TRUST, the trust service provider for the Bundesdruckerei Group. It enables companies to legally sign contracts, invoices and other documents via remote signature (i.e. without additional hardware components). The procedure is recognized as legally valid within the EU in accordance with the eIDAS regulation (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services). The “qualified signature” meets the legal requirement for the written form and is recognized by the courts. The “advanced signature” has a high probative value but is subject to the free judicial evaluation of evidence. d.velop sign can be used at the click of a button and is ready for use as soon as you purchase it.
Adding your signature couldn't be simpler
It is extremely straightforward to integrate the digital signature. Simply upload the PDF document via the browser using drag & drop. You can then invite the people who need to sign the document by e-mail. You can define the order in which the signatures are added and which e-signature standard is to be used. The signature wizard helps you to better prepare documents for the people signing them. You can integrate any number of signature boxes and text boxes in the document and position them however you want.
All highlights at a glance:
- Visual signature: a handwritten signature can be uploaded as a PNG or JPG file
- Reminder function: automated reminder e-mails to signatories
- Overview of activities: summary of the signing processes, displayed by date, activity and more
- Signatures from externals: external parties can be invited to sign a document. They do not require a d.velop sign account to do so. External participants receive a link to the signature by e-mail
- Customizing: d.velop sign can be adapted to your company branding by replacing the d.velop sign logo with your company logo
- Search for documents: You can find documents by searching by name or by using various filter functions

API integration
In addition to the standard integrations, you can also integrate d.velop sign into any customer or target system using our open REST interface.
The possible applications of the d.velop sign API are virtually limitless:
- Industry software
- HR software
- Websites
- and many more.
Boost the added value of your applications as well as the level of acceptance among users with the d.velop sign API.

The digital signature is an important step into the world of digitalization. In addition to good software, it is important to have a partner who understands the company's requirements and keeps the customer's structure as a whole in mind at all times!
Security – A smooth process for your signature experience
d.velop sign fulfils the most stringent requirements in terms of security, data protection and data retention. Compliance with the legal framework is a basic requirement, while data protection is more than just a promise; it is a fact. d.velop sign is therefore eIDAS and GDPR compliant.
- Qualified signature available as standard
- All signature levels (EES, FES, QES) available
- 2-factor authentication possible via video, eID or PoS identification
- Long Term Validation (LTV) capability
- Additional password protection can be activated for external recipients

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